Which, of course, got me thinking about the other stuff I won't miss. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of things I WILL miss, but the transition will be easier if I just concentrate on what I won't miss...
- Ringing phones. I hate the way these things ring. And then when your coworker is away from the desk, and it just rings and rings and rings and rings... that drives me nuts.
- Perfume. I'm allergic to fragrance, people. I'm glad you smell nice and you'd like to share, but come on! If I forget to take my Zyrtec before work, I'm doomed. Today, I forgot it. Again.
- Gossip. Couldn't care less about what he said/she said/happened yesterday... Unless, of course, it's really good...
- Lost and found emails. Oh no! I lost my press-on nail! Let me email the entire campus and see if someone found it in his tire treads!
- Breakfast on the go. Sometimes you just want scrambled eggs, not another damn Pop Tart.
- Looking busy. If I'm not busy, I don't want to be busy trying to convince you that I am. Follow?
- Being polite. When I don't want to be. Jerk.
- Leaving Ellie in the morning.
I think that about covers it. What wouldn't you or don't you miss about YOUR job?